The Virtuous Woman


I remember growing up in church and hearing this term mentioned several times in reference to a particular bible verse.  It was always used in conjunction with a lesson concerning the ways in which a woman should conduct herself; specifically, what characteristics a woman should possess in order to be the ideal partner.  As a child, this was one of the lessons I took with a grain of salt because I was too young to fully appreciate all of its implications.  As I grew older, the concept continued to escape me; as outside influences became more prevalent, and began to shape my perspective.  It wasn't until recently, while reading that the idea returned to me, that I started to reflect on what this actually meant to me; I chose to define it on my OWN terms...

Virtue, by definition, according to the New Oxford American Dictionary, means, "behavior showing high moral standards; a quality considered morally good or desirable in a person; a good or useful quality of a thing; Virginity or Chasity, especially in a woman."  I'm not here for any of the overtly sexist undertones the definition alludes to-specifically the last one that's teeming with toxic masculinity; I digress.  We are here to define OURSELVES.  A major reason s to why this rhetoric was not adopted into my everyday existence is because the logic is fundamentally flawed.  If men and women are equal in stature as far as the Universe is concerned, with their biological differences being the line of demarcation(naturally, this means their roles in life also diverge here; with each respective sex performing the tasks best suited for each sex contingent upon these inherent differences); would it not stand to reason that a virtuous MAN and/or WOMAN would be defined as the same thing?!  Should not the pursuit of virtue be a shared journey?!  Why does this feel like sex ed and we are being separated from the male population to discuss how the vagina works?! lmao

Virtue, and the expression thereof, is not a concept specific to gender- don't believe the hype.  It is a set of values and principles that  YOU, as an individual, male OR female, define for yourself.  It should be completely contingent upon the individual.  How one is perceived and and interacts with the outside world is a CHOICE.  When it comes to dealings with the opposite sex, this should be a practice in reciprocity, not a mechanism of control.  I'm not just talking about MEN here, Ladies.  We have a tendency to manipulate ideas to  suit our own needs as well; creating an entire narrative in our minds that translates into reality.  This makes it increasingly difficult to maintain ACTUAL romantic relationships.  The reason behind this is, because, in all actuality, the rationale is completely unique to you.  Um, hello, nobody else lives inside your head with you!!  No wonder your partner seems confused about WTF is really going on!  Long story short ladies, we have GOT to release ALL preconceived notions and start living life from a perspective of what actually IS.  Remove the guesswork for your significant other and embrace a path that lands you right where you want to be...HAPPY.~The Queen    


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