The Tea: Days of the Week Energy Correspondence


Sooo, the hot topic of conversation between myself and my closest friends has been how out of wack we feel, and just out of sync we seem to feel with our current realities.  It sparked a renewed interest in an article I came across about 7 years ago that talked about how we were doing things all wrong on a daily basis...

From the day we are born, we have a schedule, of sorts that is imprinted on us.  As opposed to learning through our own intuition when to act, and how to maneuver certain energy, we are forced into what is pre-existing; what is most conducive to the environment in which we are now being integrated...and this becomes life.  Never giving a second thought to the fact that perhaps you should be moving entirely differently. 

According to , the specific vibrational signature for each day of the week is influenced by the planet for which it's name originates.  Each day was named after the planet with the corresponding energy.  "Each day was special and signified a time to utilize the energy of each planetary god."   

This post is meant to inspire, and encourage you to take this research further, as I keep it very basic, however, there is a plethora of information available on this topic.  It gets as specific as utilizing colors (as in clothing) to attract particular energy, and maintain a desired state of being.  Not only is knowledge of correspondences clutch in bringing certain energies into your life, but it also teaches you when it's best NOT to engage in activities that could potentially be counter-productive.  I've also included the Lunar Cycles for those of us who are less familiar, as the two are indelibly linked.  I would love to know if you guys are as fascinated with this subject as me and my friends are, comment below and let me know what you find out. ~The Queen

Days of the Week and Lunar Cycles

  • Monday:  Considered the "Moon's Day".  Tap into powers of intuition, emotion, courage, and male energy.  Can make us feel moody or sluggish, but may also bring about a positive wave of energy and motivation.

  • Tuesday:  "Mars Day"; named for the Roman god of War.  Excellent for conflict resolution and getting things done.  Utilize this day for overcoming obstacles, gaining wisdom, and completing projects.  Mars provides drive, decide what you want, then make it happen.

  • Wednesday: "Mercury's Day"; planet that controls communication and expression.  Perfect day for decision making, and gaining clarity about what it is you want.  Also excellent for meetings, travel, and communicating with friends.

  • Thursday:  "Jupiter's Day"; the planet ruling positivity and expansion, it's an excellent time to explore and learn new things.  Delve into the confines of consciousness, reflecting on the gratitude for the lessons of the days in the past week.  Remain in a grateful state of mind from morning until night to fully take advantage of the power Thursday holds.

  • Friday:  "Venus's Day"; also associated with the Norse goddess of fertility, Frigg.  Friday is a time to kick back, relax, and reach out to others.  The energy is romantic, and excellent for intimate connections.  Creative energy abounds; Tie up any loose ends left lingering for the week, and don't forget to pamper yourself!  Keep it light and cute, Friday is NOT meant for any strenuous activities.

  • Saturday:  "Saturn's Day"; It's time to get organized!  For all you habitual Saturday cleaners, you now have a known source for your obsession!  Take this time to be proactive, and get your shit together for the coming week.  Address any lingering personal issues, utilizing the energy to get balanced and grounded.

  • Sunday:  "Sun's Day"; 'Higher Self, Hey Girl, Hey!'  Yep, it's time to get in touch with your inner Divine.  Utilize this time to go inside, listen to what your soul has to say, and Replenish it.  With a beautiful, chill vibe that promotes relaxation, Sunday is ideal to focus on Self-Care and Emotional Well-Being.  Keep activities low energy, and take advantage of the time to nurture your inner light.
New Moon:  Spiritual Awakening; New Beginnings; Truths Revealed
Waxing Moon:  Intense Energy; Financial and Money Endeavors; Growth, Abundance
Full Moon:  Wish Fulfillment; Attraction; Love; Healing; Prosperity
Waning Moon:  Ridding Yourself of Negative Energy; Letting Go; Protection; Purging; Protection


Candle Magic For Beginners Spells for Abundance, Love, and Healing by Mystic Dylan
Published by Rockridge Press, an Imprint of Callisto Media Inc.


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