The Lipstick Diaries Volume 7: Nude Creme; My Afternoon Delight


You know, I've always been one to give credit where credit is due, but I must admit, I take a particular issue with giving it to myself. Think about it, how often do we stop and appreciate ourselves for the absolutely fabulous human beings we are?! With so much going on both mentally and emotionally lately, I had to finally realize that it wasn't a coincidence. I was in a rut, and me wearing my go-to Nude Lip EVERY SINGLE DAY was a sign of an even bigger problem. I found myself staring at the ceiling late one Friday night, and it suddenly came to me like I long forgotten locker combination; every last moment had been intentional, and I was meant to be paying attention...
It's sorta like this; do you know how it was, growing up, you learned things by following certain steps, if you will, that were provided either verbally or by example. We always had the confidence that if these steps were carefully followed in the correct order, success would most certainly be achieved. We, as most children do, spent a large amount of time trying to figure out how to circumvent the steps. Although at times we did procure a small modicum of success, but, for the most part, we were forced to begin again, starting at step one and proceeding from there. The fact remains, had we had the discipline and strength of mind to just keep going, we could have reached our goal in less time. With the lucky few who have found viable shortcuts, there are sooo many more who have not. This is because the only way there, is THROUGH.
I am discovering more and more each day how similar this whole concept is to the Ascension Process. There's a fundamental reason why it's called a process; there are levels to this shit! Each one is specific, and there's no moving on till the lesson is learned. Learning each lesson, and making apart of you can certainly be painful; especially if the lesson alludes you for too long. Nonetheless, each part is equally important to your evolution. Of course none of us have the emotional maturity to fully recognize this while on the journey. If we did, there would be little to no need of it in the first place. Funny things start happening when we stop being hard-headed and put one foot in front of the other to follow the steps. Shit ACTUALLY starts to fall into place...
Just like that, it all makes sense...The clouds part, and the perfect breeze blows over you. Then, some REAL amazing starts to happen! Everything I ever read told me that there was a level I would ultimately reach in my process that would bring me Peace, Intuition, and a heightened Manifestation capacity. This always sounded FANTASTIC in theory; but when?! It had already been such a loonnggg road; I was tired, and way past ready. I stopped, looked around, and suddenly realized I had arrived at SURRENDER. I needed to travel no further; I could finally LET GO...In the blink of an eye, a continuous PEACE washed over my entire existence. My vibration shifted, and I KNEW it was about to be ON!!! So many things around me began manifesting, and i was able to connect them to my direct thoughts and feelings. It was an emotional re-calibration, and things that would have normally sent me into an emotional tailspin no longer held any sway over me. I wanted to immediately Embrace and Engage. I wanted to SHARE it. I wanted to tell anyone who would listen! I had discovered the next wheel! If only I hadn't wasted so much time trying to cheat the system, I could have gotten here a long time ago! Or so I thought...
The truth is, that stubbornness and unwillingness to follow through was actually a level in the process in and of itself; perhaps the most important. Through that repeated defeat, the EGO, MY EGO; my one true nemesis was destroyed. Milani Nude Creme was the real gangster, carrying me through the entire process! lmao Seriously though, there was not way to continue on; the journey was pre-destined for one single occupant. I am at a point now where I can look back and see how truly amazing it has all been. I am slowly seeing how necessary it all was, and exactly where it fits. I do not regret a single moment, and am soooo excited to see what happens next! Light and Love xoxo~The Queen


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