

It comes a time in every sane person's life when we are forced to get the hell up out of dodge-that time arrived for me just 3 weeks ago.  Everything in my life was seemingly upside down, and for the life of me, I just couldn't seem to get a handle on my emotions.  It got to be so bad, absolutely everything and everyone was pushing my buttons, and I found myself uncharacteristically angry all the time.  This was becoming my natural state of being.  Completely contrary to my nature, it was CHANGING me.  I finally had to check out on life for a little while to access the situation from a different point of view...

I needed to get to the WHY behind my emotional state.  What exactly was bothering me?  Why did so much in my life suddenly fill me with so much disdain?  I analyzed the way I was feeling, and my specific reaction to particular scenarios.  I decided to just let go, and allow myself to feel whatever it was as opposed to fighting it.  It was obvious my subconscious was attempting to communicate something vitally important to me concerning my well being.  I chose to be quiet, and listen.  As I looked at each situation, I realized that I had taken real umbrage with those I was lashing out at.  My subconscious had become a shaken bottle of soda whose lid could no longer contain the contents. Everything I was expressing was repressed emotion.  I had been shoving things down for an entire lifetime; not willing to express my needs to those I loved out of fear, and a misguided attempt to maintain their respective peace.  I threw my own happiness to the wayside.  THAT IS EMOTIONAL SUICIDE!!

  Nothing and no one should be allowed to hold that kind of power over you.  If at any point in time anything you do for someone else makes you personally unhappy, that's a perfect indication that you shouldn't be doing it.  Moreover, we should never be giving so much of ourselves to the world that there is nothing left for US.  Energy is a reciprocated force that does not ever require one participant provide more than the other.  MATCH ENERGY WITH EFFORT in all aspects of life!  You don't owe anyone any part of yourself that you don't choose to freely give.  The imaginary feelings of obligatory duty WILL fade.  By giving out what you get, you automatically balance the scales, and align with the Universe, and your true life purpose.  Why stand in your own way?!~The Queen 

Photo Courtesy of: Nichollekobi.com


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