Vibing Higher


You know, I've always been one to give credit where credit is due, but I must admit, I take a particular issue with giving it to myself.  So much has been going on as of late, I finally had to realize that it wasn't a coincidence, every last moment was intentional...

It's sorta like this; do you know how it was, growing up, you were taught things by learning to follow certain steps.  We were always assured if these steps were carefully followed in their EXACT order, we would always reach our goal.  We, as most every child does, spends more time figuring out how to circumvent the steps, hoping to arrive at the goal.  Yea, some of us do enjoy some modicum of success at times, but the fact remains, had we just had the emotional maturity, we could have ALL arrived.  With the few that have found viable shortcuts, there are many who have not.  Why?!  Because for the MANY, there only way there, is THROUGH.  I am discovering more and more each day how similar this whole concept is to the Ascension Process.  There's a fundamental reason it's called a Process; there are "levels" to this shit!  Each one is very specific, and there's no moving on till you have completed it; learning each lesson, and making it apart of you.  It can certainly be painful, especially if a lesson seemingly alludes you too long-but still, completely necessary.  Of course none of us have the emotional maturity to fully recognize this while on the journey.  If we did, there would be little to no need of it to begin with.  Funny thing happens when you stop being hard headed and follow the steps, shit ACTUALLY starts to fall in place...

Just like that, it all makes sense...The clouds part, and the perfect breeze blows over you.  Then, some REAL amazing starts to happen!  Everything I ever read told me that there was a level I would ultimately reach in the Ascension Process that would bring me Peace, Intuition, and a heightened manifestation capacity.  This always sounded FANTASTIC in theory, but WHEN?!  It had already been such a long road, I was tired, and past by ready.  I stopped, looked around, and suddenly realized I had arrived at surrender.  I needed to travel no further, I could finally just LET GO...In a blink of an eye, a continuous PEACE washed over my entire life.  My vibration shifted, and I KNEW, it was about to be ON!!!  So many things around me began manifesting, and I was able to directly connect them to my thoughts and feelings.  It was like an emotional re-calibration; things that would have previously sent me into a negative decent no longer held any power.  I wanted to Embrace and Engage.  I wanted to SHARE it!  I wanted to tell anyone who would listen!  I had discovered the next wheel!  if only I hadn't wasted so much time trying to cheat the system, I could have been here a long time ago!  Or so I thought...

The truth is, that stubbornness and unwillingness to follow through was actually a level of the process in and of itself, perhaps the most important.  Through that repeated defeat, the Ego, My Ego, the one true Nemesis, was finally destroyed.  There was no way to continue on; the journey was pre-destined for one singular occupant.  I am at a point where I can look back and see how it all fits, and how,  everything was absolutely necessary.  I don't regret a single moment, and I am soo excited to see what happens next!  Light, Love, and Patience lovelies; trust me, its WORTH it!~The Queen  

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