That's Just How I Feel...


Mercury Retrograde had it's way with me, and now, I'm just left feeling CHEAP!!  LMAO, I mean, this go round was a full day at Six Flags over Trenton!  I came across a quote on Pinterest that said, "Sometimes it's okay if all you did today was breathe." Truer words were never spoken.  I swear I have been on a non-stop mental trip, and, personally, I am exhausted.  Discovering yourself can be both overwhelming and tedious.  Quite frankly, I'm a little outdone with me.  I don't like how I've been handling my emotions as of late, and, have desperately been trying to convince myself that it's perfectly OK.  Your repression is the REAL culprit Queen Khira...

FACTS bro.  This statement is FRIGHTENINGLY accurate!  Most of the emotional tyranny I have been inflicting on myself is a result of my reaction to different emotional triggers I've been experiencing.  The Universe, in my opinion, has been systematically shitting on me when it comes to certain aspects of my life in an effort to get me to focus some other things.  I'M NOT WITH IT, AT ALL!!  I just can't understand, for the life of me, why I can't prioritize my own needs!  Why can't I decide what I want to heal first?!  I Live, and LET Live, and want nothing but the best for everyone.  These are not the traits of a horrible person undeserving of their own happiness.  I don't want to fight anymore.  Can I just sleep through this?!  Do I really need to be conscious for the healing to commence?!  Wake me when it's over!!  In a perfect world, I would rather just fade from the public eye; retreating into my own mind...I am in constant flux, and can't tell you what I'm feeling from one day to the next.  THAT is the most insufferable part of it all, I JUST WANT A SENSE OF NORMALCY!!!

At the end of the day, I come here to kick, scream, and release my frustrations.  I know there is no shortcut, and no easy roads when it comes to self-discovery.  If I am ever to overcome, I MUST endure.  I, everyday, embrace the opportunity to start over, and get this thing right that we call life.  No matter how horrible the day before was, I persevere, and try again.  I am eternally optimistic, and shamelessly notorious for never giving up.  There are times when the mere thought of hope makes me cringe, because I'm so tired--and yet, the glimmer of that silver lining still catches my eye...Uggh, there can be no refinement BEFORE the fire...~The Queen                 

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