An Optical Illusion


Just Imagine if words held no emotional power? What if they were simply tools for communication and a means to covey information? Just how different would our lives be if words did NOT effect us? It's utterly amazing to me how much they really SHAPE us. The last few weeks of my life have been an in-depth analysis of the subject, and I'm ready to share my initial findings with the world...

Quarantine has been an entire perspective change for me as a whole. It has me looking at my day to day activities, asking myself how much they were REALLY contributing to my actual happiness and growth as an individual. I found myself asking these questions because of the emotional slump that seemed to develop simultaneously. I found myself being intently focused on people, and the things they were saying/doing. I noticed, I myself, was a lot more introspective; spending large amounts of time in my own head; LOOKING at the words and actions in an attempt to get to the WHY behind them. There are many times in life where things are said and done to achieve a goal that had nothing to do with the original problem at hand...

Not only does this leave the issue unresolved, but now you have potentially opened up a fresh can of worms, further compacting the initial problem. Instead, you are now focused on this "new" set of words, as opposed to being solution oriented. It's a never-ending cycle, which, I, for one, am more than ready to break...Our solution: Release the power of words to the Universe. How??! By hearing the words, processing the information, and LETTING GO; SIMPLY REFUSE TO BECOME IT. Whatever the words, whatever is being said, allow it to wash over you like a wave, feeling every drop, but not allowing even the tiniest speck of moisture in.

If isolation has done anything, it has set some otherwise dormant minds aflame, and all sorts of thoughts, and ideas may be thrown into the atmosphere; be ever vigilant for spilled feelings! Many of these will be in the air as well. In any case, you must quickly identify the problem for what it truly is, and handle it accordingly. Return words to the origins from whence they came; a device for communication. The last thing you want is to be caught in an emotional windfall of your own creation. Be as tolerant as you can of others in these trying times, but Remember: Your mental health is you #1 priority.~The Queen
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