
The Tea: Days of the Week Energy Correspondence

  Sooo, the hot topic of conversation between myself and my closest friends has been how out of wack we feel, and just out of sync we seem to feel with our current realities.  It sparked a renewed interest in an article I came across about 7 years ago that talked about how we were doing things all wrong on a daily basis... From the day we are born, we have a schedule, of sorts that is imprinted on us.  As opposed to learning through our own intuition when to act, and how to maneuver certain energy, we are forced into what is pre-existing; what is most conducive to the environment in which we are now being integrated...and this becomes life.  Never giving a second thought to the fact that perhaps you should be moving entirely differently.  According to  , the specific vibrational signature for each day of the week is influenced by the planet for which it's name originates.  Each day was named after the planet with the corresponding energy.  "Each day was sp

The Lipstick Diaries Volume 8: Devoted to Chili (Literally!)

  You know, I find it really funny that, suddenly, during quarantine and social distancing, there is this sudden emphasis on self-care and protecting your energy.  It would stand to reason that these concepts (and the engagement thereof!) would have been most vital when we were interacting person.  Don't get me wrong, I'm all for re-connecting to Source WHENEVER necessary; I just find it hilarious when loving yourself as an individual has become a fad(sadly, like so many other things in life, it took becoming popular for people to pay attention!  Anyway, I digress!).  Regardless of the reason behind it, I'm happy to see a collective conscious shift to the importance of stillness of mind at various points throughout the course of the day.  As a matter of fact, I've adopted the concept to develop a whole new outlook on life-a state of perpetual chill... Minding your own business becomes easier the more it is practiced.  It eventually becomes second nature.  Trust me; the

The Virtuous Woman

  I remember growing up in church and hearing this term mentioned several times in reference to a particular bible verse.  It was always used in conjunction with a lesson concerning the ways in which a woman should conduct herself; specifically, what characteristics a woman should possess in order to be the ideal partner.  As a child, this was one of the lessons I took with a grain of salt because I was too young to fully appreciate all of its implications.  As I grew older, the concept continued to escape me; as outside influences became more prevalent, and began to shape my perspective.  It wasn't until recently, while reading that the idea returned to me, that I started to reflect on what this actually meant to me; I chose to define it on my OWN terms... Virtue, by definition, according to the New Oxford American Dictionary, means, "behavior showing high moral standards; a quality considered morally good or desirable in a person; a good or useful quality of a thing; Virgini

The Lipstick Diaries Volume 7: Nude Creme; My Afternoon Delight

  You know, I've always been one to give credit where credit is due, but I must admit, I take a particular issue with giving it to myself. Think about it, how often do we stop and appreciate ourselves for the absolutely fabulous human beings we are?! With so much going on both mentally and emotionally lately, I had to finally realize that it wasn't a coincidence. I was in a rut, and me wearing my go-to Nude Lip EVERY SINGLE DAY was a sign of an even bigger problem. I found myself staring at the ceiling late one Friday night, and it suddenly came to me like I long forgotten locker combination; every last moment had been intentional, and I was meant to be paying attention... It's sorta like this; do you know how it was, growing up, you learned things by following certain steps, if you will, that were provided either verbally or by example. We always had the confidence that if these steps were carefully followed in the correct order, success would most certainly be ac