The Purge


2020, if nothing else, was certainly the Great Equalizer. I saw many a great monument fall; regardless of class of creed. Never in my short history on this planet can I remember a larger outcry for a year to come to an end. 2020 kicked EVERYBODY's ass, and took PLENTY of names. After a year like that, I am all but too ready for a total overhaul; life included! It's time to usher in, and embrace some newness. I'm driving head first into TOTAL self-care; starting with a new daily routine. I didn't come into 2021 with resolutions, I came with promises to myself that I am DETERMINED to keep...

One thing to bear in mind though, whenever you choose yourself first, there will always be haters-people just waiting in the wings to dim your fucking shine. Be ever vigilant; for this is actually a blessing from the Universe, illuminating those factors(especially people!) that no longer serve your higher purpose. INVITE this energy in, and allow these things to leave your life. I hear you inside your head as you read this, "Easier said than done!" Absolutely. No worries, I have a solution to this dilemma...Fake it Till You Make It! The most effective way to do this is by starting your personal overhaul on a micro level. I find it most satisfying to start by purging my personal space. There is nothing harder for a muddled mind to navigate than a cluttered environment. Clean up! Throw Shit Out! Organize! Take Inventory. Make a list of items that need replacing. Challenge yourself to complete each task. Do this with every room until each has gotten the proper attention. Trust me, this initial step works wonders in aiding the clearing of your mind.
When you are ready to move on to phase 2, It's time to focus on the way you want to APPEAR to the outside world. What is it you want the world to see when they look at you?! What is it you want to be?! Find out who that is, and hold that mental picture in your mind...No matter how shallow it may sound, the fact of the matter is, we are SPIRITUAL beings, here to partake in a Physical existence. Therefore, physicality, and the appearance of things is especially vital to our full experience. You have every right to control and manipulate this particular scenario to your heart's content. You are master and creator of your individual reality.
At long last, you just might be ready for that "person purge". Through your inner workings, a true focus on Self, you have finally developed the strength needed to walk away. If you have truly ascended, this part of the process will be effortless. Keep your mind and heart attuned to the ENDLESS possibilities for happiness, and the pursuit thereof. Welcome in all the good things, and stay forever grateful. 2020 is a beast we hope to NEVER see again; it's time to Process, Learn, and GROW!!~The Queen


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