
Showing posts from October, 2020

Vibing Higher

  You know, I've always been one to give credit where credit is due, but I must admit, I take a particular issue with giving it to myself.  So much has been going on as of late, I finally had to realize that it wasn't a coincidence, every last moment was intentional... It's sorta like this; do you know how it was, growing up, you were taught things by learning to follow certain steps.  We were always assured if these steps were carefully followed in their EXACT order, we would always reach our goal.  We, as most every child does, spends more time figuring out how to circumvent the steps, hoping to arrive at the goal.  Yea, some of us do enjoy some modicum of success at times, but the fact remains, had we just had the emotional maturity, we could have ALL arrived.  With the few that have found viable shortcuts, there are many who have not.  Why?!  Because for the MANY, there only way there, is THROUGH.  I am discovering more and more each day how similar this whole concept i

That's Just How I Feel...

  Mercury Retrograde had it's way with me, and now, I'm just left feeling CHEAP!!  LMAO, I mean, this go round was a full day at Six Flags over Trenton!  I came across a quote on Pinterest that said, "Sometimes it's okay if all you did today was breathe." Truer words were never spoken.  I swear I have been on a non-stop mental trip, and, personally, I am exhausted.  Discovering yourself can be both overwhelming and tedious.  Quite frankly, I'm a little outdone with me.  I don't like how I've been handling my emotions as of late, and, have desperately been trying to convince myself that it's perfectly OK.  Your repression is the REAL culprit Queen Khira... FACTS bro.  This statement is FRIGHTENINGLY accurate!  Most of the emotional tyranny I have been inflicting on myself is a result of my reaction to different emotional triggers I've been experiencing.  The Universe, in my opinion, has been systematically shitting on me when it comes to certain

The Quiet Storm: A Retrospect

  "Have you ever stopped to listen, when there's silence ALL around, Empty rooms with nothing to fill them, accept that quiet sound." I first became aware of the concept of duality through the writing of the poem "Quiet Storm" when I was 14 years old. I can remember how disturbed I was when I finished it; I couldn't believe something so dark had come from ME. Where did it come from-more importantly, WTF did it mean?! Up until then, I had only written poetry that gave people HOPE; and were filled with unconditional love. Who WAS I?! Was I going crazy?! "In ancient Chinese philosophy, Yin and Yang is a concept of dualism, describing how seemingly contrary forces may actually be, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another"(Wikipedia). It wasn't Yin and Yang that I realized I wasn't a teenage psycho. It was REAL; completely possible for and indivi