
Showing posts from April, 2021

The Virtuous Woman

  I remember growing up in church and hearing this term mentioned several times in reference to a particular bible verse.  It was always used in conjunction with a lesson concerning the ways in which a woman should conduct herself; specifically, what characteristics a woman should possess in order to be the ideal partner.  As a child, this was one of the lessons I took with a grain of salt because I was too young to fully appreciate all of its implications.  As I grew older, the concept continued to escape me; as outside influences became more prevalent, and began to shape my perspective.  It wasn't until recently, while reading that the idea returned to me, that I started to reflect on what this actually meant to me; I chose to define it on my OWN terms... Virtue, by definition, according to the New Oxford American Dictionary, means, "behavior showing high moral standards; a quality considered morally good or desirable in a person; a good or useful quality of a thing; Virgini