
Showing posts from January, 2021

The Purge

  2020, if nothing else, was certainly the Great Equalizer. I saw many a great monument fall; regardless of class of creed. Never in my short history on this planet can I remember a larger outcry for a year to come to an end. 2020 kicked EVERYBODY's ass, and took PLENTY of names. After a year like that, I am all but too ready for a total overhaul; life included! It's time to usher in, and embrace some newness. I'm driving head first into TOTAL self-care; starting with a new daily routine. I didn't come into 2021 with resolutions, I came with promises to myself that I am DETERMINED to keep... One thing to bear in mind though, whenever you choose yourself first, there will always be haters-people just waiting in the wings to dim your fucking shine. Be ever vigilant; for this is actually a blessing from the Universe, illuminating those factors(especially people!) that no longer serve your higher purpose. INVITE this energy in, and allow these things to leave your