
It comes a time in every sane person's life when we are forced to get the hell up out of dodge-that time arrived for me just 3 weeks ago. Everything in my life was seemingly upside down, and for the life of me, I just couldn't seem to get a handle on my emotions. It got to be so bad, absolutely everything and everyone was pushing my buttons, and I found myself uncharacteristically angry all the time. This was becoming my natural state of being. Completely contrary to my nature, it was CHANGING me. I finally had to check out on life for a little while to access the situation from a different point of view... I needed to get to the WHY behind my emotional state. What exactly was bothering me? Why did so much in my life suddenly fill me with so much disdain? I analyzed the way I was feeling, and my specific reaction to particular scenarios. I decided to just let go, and allow myself to feel whatever it was as opposed to fighting ...